
…and we’re off!

So far, the trip has been delightfully uneventful, which makes for great news for us—but a very boring blog.  Day 1: Denver to Albuquerque.  Day 2: Albuquerque to Phoenix.  Day 3: Phoenix to El Centro, CA.  Our goal was to arrive mid-day in El Centro to give us time to de-winterize the van (or to “summarize” it, as my sister would say) and settle in for an early morning border crossing.

The RV park we are staying tonight is acceptable, but not exciting.  However, what is exciting is that the temperatures are 72 for a high, an AirForce base where the Blue Angels are based nearby so we keep getting fun flyovers, and we are sitting by a pool with only 2 other socially distanced people.  

We have water in the van, pesos in our wallets and are ready (but a little nervous) to get on to the more adventurous phase of the trip tomorrow!  No pictures of note, mostly just us sitting in a van the whole time.  Soon!