Feeling flexible

2020 is a year that has taught us all to be flexible.  We are very fortunate that our family has stayed healthy and our biggest challenge that our travel plans have been upended.

It’s early September and according to the original plan Mr Snacks would be gainfully unemployed, we would have spent the summer in our mountain condo recuperating and be starting off on our international nomad adventure.  Not surprisingly, selling a home during a global pandemic isn’t the best idea.  What we thought would happen very quickly came to a screeching halt when we were instructed to stay home.  With a mortgage to pay for an no place to go, it only made sense to keep working.  We’ve just closed on the house, have shoehorned all of our stuff into our condo and are spending some time settling into mountain life.  We’ve been hiking, biking and re-exploring our great state.

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Getting Schooled. Spanish Schooled.

I have always wanted to know another language.  When I travel, I want to ask people about their lives, their jobs, their families.  I’d like to be able to have a better conversation than “Need. Beer. Please”.  While I took many years of French in high school and college, it keeps seeming that the language I need to use the most is Spanish.  So, for the last few years I’ve been learning Spanish—mostly on my own, mostly using workbooks.

Continue reading “Getting Schooled. Spanish Schooled.”

Visiting Iguazu Falls: Brazil & Argentina

We stayed in Puerto Iguazu on the Argentina side for our hotel.  Since the rest of our trip was within Argentina, the flights and logistics were just easiest to stay in Argentina—and the exchange rate didn’t hurt with that decision either!

We were there for only about 1 ½ usable days—and I wish we had had two full days.  We spent our ½ day on the Argentina side, and the full day on the Brazil side.  I chose this because I didn’t want to waste any of the ½ day going through the border, but did have some doubts at the time because so many say that there’s more to do at the Argentina side.

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Aspiring Nomad

Well, without even trying I’ve taken the first step to living a nomadic life.  On Friday, my boss set up a call with me—and as soon as an HR person joined the call I knew…I was being laid off.  

Aspiring nomad
Can I be a nomad now? Now? How ’bout now…

Being in the tech industry for over 20 years, it’s pretty commonplace so I was very prepared for it. More than anything, the weirdest piece was being told it was “effective immediately”.  No hand over, no nothing.  The next few hours were filled with calls and text from other coworkers who had also been impacted.

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