Antigua: Just desserts

Eating Dulces Tipicos in Antigua, Guatemala

Guatemala stands out for me with their fantastic desserts.  We stayed super close to Dona Maria Gordillo which is one of the iconic dulcerias in Antigua.  The recipes originated from a nun who lived in a nearby convent and sold sweet to raise money for the church and other things the nuns needed.  Her recipes have lived on for almost 150 years through this store. 

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Amazing Lake Atitlan

Stunning beauty and unique villages

Lake Atitlan is an amazing scene of beauty.  Some 84,000 years ago, a volcano erupted and the crater it left behind is now a 1,100 foot deep lake with steep volcanos and small towns scattered around the shores. Because there is no road around the lake, each town is connected mostly only by boat (lancha).  This also uniquely means that there are multiple different languages spoken in these towns—3 Mayan languages, and most of the younger generation speaks Spanish as a common language to interact with tourists.

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El Valle de Anton Roadtrip

Roadtrip from Panama City!

El Valle de Anton (El Valle) is a small town developed in the crater of an extinct volcano.  While I can guess that this area was super fertile and that’s why it was chosen, I wonder who (back in the day) was willing to say “I’m sure this will never erupt again; let’s build our town here!”.  Regardless of how they conned their fellow townspeople into settling there, the decision seems to have been a safe one thus far.  

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Movies in Panama

Going to the movies when you don’t speak the language.

This is a guest post by Mr. Snacks.

I’ve always been a lover of movies, and in particular the experience of seeing a big budget blockbuster in a great theater. Like many other things, as the world shut down in 2020, I saw movie after movie I was looking forward to get placed on indefinite hold and I added “seeing a movie in a theater” to the top of my “what I can’t wait to do when the world reopens” list. 

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